Memorializing Vanguard of the Third Step: A Guide to Completing the World of Warcraft Classic \”Fantasy Device Sacrifice\” Quest

《魔兽世界怀旧服》幻想仪祭第三步任务怎么做 任务完成流
The Fantasy Device Sacrifice Quest: Brief Overview
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《魔兽世界怀旧服》幻想仪祭第三步任务怎么做 任务完成流

《魔兽世界怀旧服》幻想仪祭第三步任务怎么做 任务完成流

The Fantasy Device Sacrifice Quest: Brief Overview

The third step of the “Fantasy Device Sacrifice” quest in World of Warcraft Classic requires players to perform a memorial ritual to honor a fallen hero, Vanguard Akil’zon. This quest is part of the “Zul’Aman” raid instance in the game, and completing it rewards players with valuable loot and progress in the game.

How to Complete the Fantasy Device Sacrifice Quest

To complete this quest, players need to acquire four feathers from the Hawk, Falcon, Eagle, and Owl totems found in the outskirts of the Zul’Aman raid instance. Once players have all four feathers, they need to combine them with a Voodoo Doll of Akil’zon and Gahz’ranka’s Fang to create the “Fantasy Device.” Then, players need to use the device to honor Vanguard Akil’zon by summoning his spirit and defeating him in battle. Once he is defeated, players can loot his remains for valuable items and progress in the game.

The Challenge of Completing the Fantasy Device Sacrifice Quest

The “Fantasy Device Sacrifice” quest is a challenging one, as players need to navigate the Zul’Aman raid instance and defeat several bosses to acquire the items required to complete the quest. Additionally, players need to coordinate with their team members to perform the ritual and defeat Vanguard Akil’zon, as he is a powerful opponent that requires teamwork and strategy to defeat.

The Rewards of Completing the Fantasy Device Sacrifice Quest

Despite the challenge, completing the “Fantasy Device Sacrifice” quest is well worth it. Players can receive rare loot items from Vanguard Akil’zon’s remains, including various weapons, armor, and other valuable items. Additionally, completing this quest progresses players through the Zul’Aman raid instance, which is a significant achievement in the game.


Overall, completing the “Fantasy Device Sacrifice” quest in World of Warcraft Classic is a rewarding and challenging task that requires teamwork, coordination, and strategy. By following the steps outlined in this guide, players can successfully complete the quest and earn valuable rewards, making it one of the most exciting and memorable quests in the game.Keywords: Zul’Aman, Vanguard Akil’zon, Fantasy Device Sacrifice Quest.


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