Out with the Old: How to Un-colonize Planets in Stellaris

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As a leader of your empire in Stellaris, you have the power to e

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As a leader of your empire in Stellaris, you have the power to expand your civilization by colonizing new planets. However, as your empire grows, you may find that some of your previously colonized planets no longer serve your interests or goals. In this article, we will explore how to cancel colonization on planets in Stellaris, allowing you to shift your focus to new frontiers.

The Basics of Cancelling Colonization

Before we delve into the specifics of cancelling colonization, let’s go over the basics. Firstly, you cannot cancel a colonization process once it has begun. You will have to wait until the planet has been fully colonized before you can make any changes.

Once you have full control over the planet, hover your mouse over the planet’s name in the planet summary screen. A new menu should appear, where you can select “Abandon Planet”. This will begin the process of cancelling colonization. However, it is important to note that cancelling colonization will result in a significant loss of resources and time, so it should be done with careful consideration.

When to Cancel Colonization

There are various reasons why you may want to cancel colonization on a particular planet. Perhaps the planet is situated in a remote location and does not have the resources or strategic value you originally anticipated. Maybe you are facing pressure from other civilizations and need to shift your focus elsewhere. Alternatively, you may want to clear out space in your empire’s borders to make room for new colonies.

Whatever your reason may be, cancelling colonization should be a calculated decision. Analyze your resources, consider the needs of your empire, and weigh the potential benefits and drawbacks of cancelling colonization before making any moves.

The Benefits of Cancelling Colonization

While cancelling colonization may seem like a negative move, it can actually benefit your empire in several ways. Firstly, abandoning a planet frees up resources and manpower that can be funneled towards more profitable endeavors. It also allows you to focus on colonizing new planets that better align with your goals and interests.

Cancelling colonization can also help streamline your empire’s borders. Removing unnecessary planets can reduce the risk of border disputes and make managing your empire more efficient. Additionally, abandoning a planet can serve as a diplomatic move, signaling to other civilizations that you are open to negotiation and potentially avoiding future conflict.


Cancelling colonization on a planet may seem like a daunting task, but it can ultimately benefit your empire in the long run. By analyzing your resources, considering your empire’s goals, and weighing the potential benefits and drawbacks, you can make an informed decision that will help guide your empire towards success. Remember to handle the process with caution and care, and always keep your desired outcome in mind.

Stellaris, Colonization, Strategy


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